Wednesday 24 October 2012

Gangnam Style PSY

Oppa Gangnam Style!!! Yes it's the k-pop video that got millions on their feet. Do any of you guys out there know horsely dance?

This video was uploaded on July 15 and has the most views on Youtube with an amazing 531,984,265 views.

The phase "Oppa Gangnam Style" can be translated. Oppa meaning a female's way of saying older brother and Gangnam is a place in Korea near Seoul (the capital).

The "sexy lady" in the video is k-pop star,HyunA who has also made a female version of Gangnam Style but with a high pitched voice,mocking the girls at Gangnam sound like. Another feat is Daesung and Seungri who were two old men playing a board game then exploded!!!

I think everyone agrees when i say that this video is never getting old. But i have to say that please be careful when thinking about what genre this song is from. I've read comments where people talk as though Gangnam Style is a piece of American music. Please, it's k-pop,it's been made by Korean company YG Entertainment. Overall, I give this song 10/10

Signing off
~LadyYoutube :D

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